
27 April 2015


That moment when you feel something cold and distant in your bones, when the pit of your stomach falls to depths unknown, and all you can do is watch processions of emotions crawling their way down your throat.


04 April 2015

These things

Things I learned from you:

Smile through the worse of times
It is best to go with the flow unless it is something that you don't believe in
Fools rush in, but it's funner that way
The IMF is a bunch of Daft Cunts
Kissing is beautiful
Making love with your eyes closed is okay
It's okay to miss people
You should be a vocal and aprehensive lover
Learn to listen
Speak when necessary
Drinking helps anxiety
It is okay to miss someone
It is not okay to let that someone hold you back
Don't loose yourself to the pleasures of the world
Always try to help people
Be kind

For this I thank you, and I still think about you in the most positive light. Even after everything.