
18 December 2010

The human robots awaken every morning. Their tasks have been programed, in order for more efficient calculations and productivity. Another day in the Megalopolis. They follow in line, through traffic lights dessigned to test their patience, and over load their circuits. Sometimes, the machine will brake, and so will the computer. In comparison to the rest, some of us are broken, or at least malfunctioning. We do not give into commands, we act as autonomous beings, bringing our reality forth. We are, and that scares them. We are, and that makes people wonder what it is that we have that they don't, which makes us so unique. Some may say, insanity.

With our minds warped around the dissilusionment of the world, we try and make the best of it. We walk through a path, much different than the human robot. Be it with drugs, or meditation, or some sort of overwhelming mental power, we have changed our reality. From the facade that has been fed to us as small children, into the reality that stands before us. A world caving into itself, a universe that is hollow, and cold. We travel in this space ship earth, through the void. We fall, forever, when shall we see the end? In the past, people always say the end is right here, the end is right... here... but it is not. This planet will go on for a long time, even after humans are long dead. Nothing makes us so special, that the earth would die with us. After all, we are just a cancer.

Some people really give into their role, and tear open the earths surface, in order to extract it's precious metals. Precious, just another word created by man, in order to give itself an excuse. Some people destroy, and some let themselves be destroyed. Others follow blindly into the emptyness of the future, and hope that their signs will make a difference in the world. Nothing is going to change what some have planed, the truth is that unless you wake up, and prepare yourself, no one is coming to save you. You are just another face, another body in the crowd. Who cares about you, but yourself?

I am a nihilist. I don't care much about anything, and I don't mind the destruction that is to come. Because the blind wont see it coming, and the awoken ones will only try to resist a little bit. Maybe if more people were aware, then I might give two shits, but like zombies, even some of those who claim to be "awake," give into their television fed education. They buy buy buy, and want everything oh so pretty. They drive their SUV's, and shop like theres nothing wrong with spending 100 dollars on a shirt. They make me sick. You think you are awake? You are just a ZOMBIE.

If it was ultimately up to me, I'd let it all happen. People have become so dumb, so over saturated with bullshit, that it's time. LET THEM EAT CAKE. If the government thinks they can keep a lid on it, and control the mess, they are sadly mystaken. There are many out there, who think as I do, and we are not going to join some extreme right wing, or some extreme left. Because we don't believe in your bullshit. We are here, we live, and we will survive. We are the next generation of Humanity, and you have already spoiled your own dinner plans, ours are still going strong.

There is no reason to think that things will go badly. Or that they wont. It really hangs in the ballance right now. If they do, don't expect anything nice. If they don't, expect nothing either. It's just the way it is. Maniquins, people are all maniquins. Unless they give you proof of their humanity, you should not trust them, you should not keep near them. When you notice that they care more about their outward appearance than they do their mental stability, and they are deeply connected, concider running. When you feel "I think this person might be off their rocker," you may want to run. When you realize that there is something deeply wrong with that person, and there is nothing you can do but run, hang out for a minute, and see just how fucked up they are. Why? Because, you need to know what is out there, who is it that controls the world. It's people like this who sell salvation.

Study them, spend time with them. The half crazies don't count, you must spend time with someone truly insane. Someone who has decided to stop their meds, someone who is not alright. Someone who believes anything they read, and see. You need to be aware, be on your toes. You cannot let them keep you, and control you. Explore their mind with a fine picked comb. Chances are, you wont want to be near someone like this again, but for the time being, you'll need the experience in order to keep them past arms length, away from you.

So what will you do? Will you give into the world? Will you fight? Will you just sit back and watch it all destroy itself? All and neither. Don't ever take your life for granted, and that of those who are real. Be glad you have a chance to ponder these things, and you are not worried about what to wear tomorrow, and how you'll look hotter in this or that. About how cute this is, or that isn't. Trivial matters are trivial, and should be left as such. 

Long Live Discordia.

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