
17 September 2010

Lost Thoughts on a Friday Night

She sits at a bar, in Cincinnati. Her loose dreds hang down with a gray bandanna keeping them from her face. Her soft fingers reach down to grab her cold dark beer.The lines of her curves are outlined by the light bouncing off the bar. A silhouette to those who pass her by. She plays with a glass bead, brown and round. It's all she has.

He sits at his friends house in Fort Lauderdale. His dreds are up behind his head, keeping them out of his face. His beer is cold, and sitting next to him, his large hands crush the can. He just painted a couple of lizards, and is enjoying beer with friends. He is holding a glass bead in his hand, clear and with white stripes. It's all he has.

One kiss, one illicit moment in time. Shared at the eve of the new year. Permanently burned into their memories. This is all they have left, a kiss, a bead. Miles away from each other, they know that it is something they may never find. Or will they? Time will only tell.